30 day FREE trial with each plan!

Our pricing is simple and you can cancel or change your plan at any time.


per month

  • Unlimited users
  • Unlimited meeting rooms
  • Pay by month
  • Free updates
  • Dedicated support
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per year

  • Unlimited users
  • Unlimited meeting rooms
  • Pay by year
  • Free updates
  • Dedicated support
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Frequently Asked Questions

The first person to register your organisation (or building) with RoomBooker is automatically designated an administrator. The administrator's initial job is to set up rooms, tenants and users. The general concept is that an organisation (or building) will have one or more tenants and each tenant will have one or more users who can books rooms. The administrator invites users who, after signing-up with RoomBooker, can access the calendar to book rooms. The administrator can designate other users as administrators.

A tenant is an entity that will have one or more users that will book rooms. Usually a building/organisation will have multiple tenants who will often be charged for room usage. Defining tenants anticipates the need for administrators to understand overall room usage by tenant rather than by individual users, in the event that charging for room usage applies.

No. This just means that room usage will be reported at the individual user level. This will complicate chargeback processes when multiple users belong to the same chargeable entity (ie tenant).

There are two subscriptions available with the only difference being the price and payment frequency. The available subscriptions are $15/month and $150/ year. Each subscription starts with a 30-day free trial.

Yes to both. You can swap between subscriptions or cancel your subscription at any time. Changes come into effect at the end of the month. When downgrading from an annual to a monthly subscription, the credit balance is used to pay for upcoming monthly payments. Pro-rata refunds are paid when cancelling a subscription. Note that when a subscription is cancelled, you won't be able to access the calendar or invite users.

You can only pay by credit card. Yes - your payment details are safe. The payment and subscription management process is handled by Stripe - a world-class payment platform. Roombooker doesn't store or transmit your payment details.

For all practical purposes - yes. In order to invite users or access the calendar a subscription is required.

This is because you either don't have a subscription or haven't defined any rooms. A subscription must exist and at least one room defined in order to access the calendar.

This is because you either don't have a subscription or haven't defined any rooms. A subacription must exist and at least one room defined in order to invite users.

Data is extracted and compiled into a reporting database at midnight each night. This is for performance reasons. Consequently, you won't be able to see today's booking data until tomorrow.

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