Privacy Policy

RoomBooker stores data that is personally identifiable.

There are two features within RoomBooker that ask for data that could be used to identify you.

  • User sign-up. Here you will need to enter a first name, last name, email address, username and password.
  • Contact. With the Contact feature, if you decide to use it, you can optionally enter your email address. If an email address is entered the form will validate that it is properly structured but it doesn't have to be a real email address. If you are concerned about your privacy and are not interested in a response from RoomBooker, then it is recommended that you don't enter your email address.

This data is needed to further support management and usage processes within RoomBooker.

  • The email address allows the RoomBooker administrator to contact users regarding room bookings.
  • The administrator's email address is used by Stripe to send notifications relating to subscriptions and payments.
  • Name details appear in mouse-over tooltips to see at a glance who has booked a room.

Data is stored on a AWS Lightsail server located in Sydney Australia. Direct access to the server is through public key authentication. Data is encrypted across network links.

Credit card information is not stored by RoomBooker or transmitted across associated network infrastructure. Payment processing is handled entirely by Stripe. Stripe does record the name, email and credit card details supplied by the administrator when purchasing a subscription. Stripe's privacy policy is available to read.

Your personal data is not shared, and there are no intentions either now or in the future for this to change.
